Calming the COVID Chaos
Parent Support Workshop
- Are you dealing with more stress than usual?
- Are you and/or your children anxious about virtual school?
- Are you juggling conflicting demands?
If so, then join us for a Virtual Parent Workshop!
Parents will learn about their own ANTs and PETs, as well as gain a few parenting tips to help them feel more confident and see more successes in their new roles.
This free parent support workshop is to help you deal with the stress and issues that come from living through a pandemic and virtual schooling. Most children have been experiencing bouts of frustration and anxiety. They miss their friends. They can’t play sports. They have to sit and do schoolwork all day long… AT HOME! You are not alone. All of us are going through this AND all of us could use some additional support.
During this workshop, you will gain new skills to add to your current ones that will help you and your children handle this extraordinary time. We will discuss such topics as grief (the loss of what could have/should have been). We will also address stress reduction and proactive parenting. You will learn about ANTs (Automatic Non-supportive Thoughts) and how to tap into PETs (Positive Empowering Tools). Parents will be given several resource lists and take-home activities for you and your children.
Fall 2020
Parent Workshop Schedule
If you don’t see your school on the list below and would like us to coordinate a workshop, CONTACT US HERE.
The following schools are on the workshop schedule…
Atholton ES Thursday 10/15/2020 6:00 – 7:30pm
Bushy Park ES Wednesday 10/07/2020 6:30 – 8:00pm
Clemens Crossing ES Wednesday 9/16/2020 8:00 – 9:00pm
Dayton Oaks ES Tuesdays 10/6/2020 6:45 – 8:15pm
Dunloggin MS Thursday 10/29/2020 6:00 – 7:30pm
Elkridge ES Tuesday 10/6/2020 6:45 – 8:15pm
Lisbon ES Wednesday 10/7/2020 6:30 – 8:00pm
Mount View MS Thursday 10/29/2020 6:00 – 7:30pm
Northfield ES Monday 10/5/2020 6:30 – 7:30pm
Phelps Luck ES Wednesday 9/30/20 6:30 – 7:30pm
Rockburn ES Monday 10/5/2020 6:30 – 7:30pm
Running Brook ES Wednesday 10/7/2020 6:30 – 8:00pm
West Friendship ES Thursday 10/15/2020 6:00 – 7:30pm